Thursday, March 8, 2007

What Would Flickr Do?

Here's one definition of a library (it's from Indiana state law)
"Library" means a collection of a variety of books or other printed matter, audiovisual materials or other items in which knowledge is recorded; kept in a centralized place; for which a person who has knowledge of the materials, their arrangement, their use and of library skills is responsible; and which are for the use of individuals or groups in meeting their recreational, informational, educational, research or cultural needs.

How does this look in relation to Flickr? Obviously Flickr is ideal for recreational browsing. (Bet you can't view just one...) Other kinds of seeking?

People following a craft would love it--it's equally good for topics where you're visually curious or even actively creative. For me, a topic is handweaving.
Threads, Scott Wills
For you or your patron it might be handcarved stamps. Or, hand-carved stamps (they aren't the same...) Or Bulgarian bagpipes--which are also known as the gaida (different results again). Trying to think like the people who post things you'd like to find--what words would they use?

Handcarved stamp, James Allenspach
Concerning Flickr's many hybrids, RSS--which brings to your attention new content about your interests-- is one I'm most likely to use. Also, Macro Maven has written very entertainingly about the FindbyClick coffee finder, a mashup of Starbucks locations in map form. The world may be ready for a FindbyClick yarn finder. (I could work on it sometime when I'm not weaving, maybe.)

1 comment:

Macro Maven said...

I like what you said about tagging: "Trying to think like the people who post things you'd like to find--what words would they use?" Very well said.